Dr. Rakesh Kumar Chaudhary is one of the best Chest Specialist, Pulmonologist, in Lucknow. He has specialization in Asthma, Allergy, Lung cancer and Tuberculosis. His clinic (Chaudhary Lung Centre) location is at Raibareli Road, opposite to Sardar Patel Dental collage, Lucknow.
He has good experience of pulmonary diseases of about 10 years. He work with some renowned institutes like Apollo hospital, MLN medical collage, and SGPGI, Lucknow.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Chaudhary's clinic is located opposite Sardar Patel Dental College (O.P. Chaudhary Hospital) at Raibareli Road, Telibagh, Lucknow.
Chaudhary Lung Centre (Clinic of Dr. Rakesh Kumar Chaudhary) is about 10 Km Charbagh railway station.